Descubro na internet uma agradável referência a Diamantina Negrão:
“Rosário Teixeira is a surrealist painter and writer. She grew up in Europe, and survived childhood under a fascist dictatorship, during the colonial war in Africa. Of Jewish ancestry on her mother's side, she lived in a Catholic country where there was no freedom of religion, where women lost their right to vote and inherit property. She had a very strict Christian upbringing riddled with conflict and absurdity that permeated the core of society. All things considered, she could only become a surrealist painter. Painting is her passion, but writing is her survival.
Her first art teacher was her educator Diamantina Barreto Negrão, an excommunicated Mother Superior from the Religious Order Carmelitas Descalças (Barefoot Carmelitas). Poet, writer and philosopher, more than painting techniques, she taught Rosário the technique of "spiritual survival," the meaning of freedom beyond the confines of the society where they lived. Rosário studied art at the Academia Francesa under Auriete Martins, Kira, and A. D'Almeida. She studied Design at the University of Lisbon School of Fine Arts, and she has a degree in Human Services from the University of Massachusetts. “
No dia 1 de Junho de 2006 enviei um e-mail a Rosário Teixeira a pedir-lhe informações e recebi esta resposta:
Cara Susana Sousa:
“Rosário Teixeira is a surrealist painter and writer. She grew up in Europe, and survived childhood under a fascist dictatorship, during the colonial war in Africa. Of Jewish ancestry on her mother's side, she lived in a Catholic country where there was no freedom of religion, where women lost their right to vote and inherit property. She had a very strict Christian upbringing riddled with conflict and absurdity that permeated the core of society. All things considered, she could only become a surrealist painter. Painting is her passion, but writing is her survival.
Her first art teacher was her educator Diamantina Barreto Negrão, an excommunicated Mother Superior from the Religious Order Carmelitas Descalças (Barefoot Carmelitas). Poet, writer and philosopher, more than painting techniques, she taught Rosário the technique of "spiritual survival," the meaning of freedom beyond the confines of the society where they lived. Rosário studied art at the Academia Francesa under Auriete Martins, Kira, and A. D'Almeida. She studied Design at the University of Lisbon School of Fine Arts, and she has a degree in Human Services from the University of Massachusetts. “
No dia 1 de Junho de 2006 enviei um e-mail a Rosário Teixeira a pedir-lhe informações e recebi esta resposta:
Cara Susana Sousa:
Será um prazer falar da minha experiência com a Mamy. A minha mãe contactou Diamantina Barreto Negrão para me ensinar Inglês, mas esse foi o início de uma relação longa e complicada durante a qual eu não aprendi Inglês :)
Estou curiosa de saber que outras pessoas entrevistou... Há véus que encobrem outros véus que se abrem para descobrir outros véus...
Rosario Teixeira
A partir daí, temos comunicado regularmente por e-mail. Descubro que a Rosário conhece uma faceta admirável de Diamantina Negrão e não gostaria de de terminar este documentário sem entrevistá-la. O único problema é que a Rosário vive em Boston.
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